High Resolution Textures.

Some of the textures in the Ion Storm game "Deus Ex: Invisible War" are lower resolution(lower detail, smaller size)than they have to be. The game is mostly good looking, but will benefit from having some of the lesser textures replaced by higher resolution ones.

The texture you are about to install, will replace the male player character's body and player view hand textures, provided you follow the instructions below.

First, here are some in-game screen shots of the textures, so you can see how they will look once you are in the game:

(Above image is taken using my high resolution face texture in addition to these body and hand textures)

Installation Instructions:

These high resolution textures can't be placed directly into the game files, so we need to 'trick' the game into using them.

1) Run idbOverride.exe, which you should already have installed when you clicked the JohnP.s_Male_AlexD_Texture_TUXEDO--Ver.2_UPDATED_Feb_18th_2004.exe file.

   You will find an idbOverride shortcut on your Desktop.

What idbOverride does, is that it will search through the game's .idb files, which contain the textures and more, and add the suffix '_overridden' to the files you search for.

2) Write alexdmaled2 into the search field, and click Find & Override.

3) Write alexdmalen2 into the search field, and click Find & Override.

4) Write user_armd into the search field, and click Find & Override.

5) Write user_armn into the search field, and click Find & Override.

6) Click Exit.

7) You are done. As long as you have installed the textures to the correct folder using the JohnP.s_Male_AlexD_Texture_TUXEDO--Ver.2_UPDATED_Feb_18th_2004.exe file, you can now start the game and play it 'wearing' the higher resolution textures.

NOTE: If you have the Community Texture Pack installed, you do NOT have to use ibdOverride or follow the steps above. You can then instead open idbPatcher(the Texture Pack's user interface), and find the texture names in the Patcher window, tick the tickboxes for the texture names mentioned above, and then click the + button. The textures will then be installed.

Personally I haven't noticed any slowdowns from using high res textures, but this may be different for you depending on your hardware.

If you find that you'd rather play the game using the original textures again, you can just run idbOverride.exe again, search for the same file names, and this time click Find & Restore.
That's all you'll have to do to play the game using the original textures again. But if you also want to get rid of these high resolution textures completely, you can run the Uninstall_HighRes_Male_TuxedoTexture.exe file that the install file generates. You will find this uninstall file in your Deus Ex - Invisible War root folder.


I would like to thank Ion Storm for making the game Deus Ex: Invisible War, and their texture artists for making the textures I have based the high res textures on.

I would also like to thank 'kefren' for making DXTool, Ryan Nunn for making idbOverride.exe, 'Boye' for making idbPatcher, 'brc64' for pointing out a flaw in my installers so that I could correct it, and Anthony Stump for giving me a source code example for the NullSoft Installer.

I hope you will enjoy playing the game using this texture, and the other textures I have made for this game.

If you would like to see the rest of the textures I have made, you can find them here.

User agreement:

I am no mega-conglomerate, no big software company - so I can't tell you what to do or not do.
I would appreciate it however, if you do not edit these textures yourself, or that you at least do not distribute such a texture if you do.

The reason is that even though I have used the original Ion Storm textures as a base, I have put in a lot of time and effort making these skins.

Taking these Tuxedo and player view hand textures as an example, there is virtually nothing left of the original skins; they are totally repainted.

And so I kinda feel I have some ownership of them.

If you feel you have something to offer to other gamers in making new textures from the original game textures yourself, I would encourage that, and you should find an Ion Storm forum online and post your textures there.

John-Petter M°rk 2004.